Results for 'Jurij A. Iszczenko'

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  1. Etyka dyskursu:mowa na poziomie metafizycznym (na przykładzie \"paradoksalnej etyki\" M. Bierdiajewa.Jurij A. Iszczenko - 1998 - Colloquia Communia 68 (1):157-164.
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    Perceptions of Social Climate in the Baltic Countries: Methodological and Comparative Issues.Jurijs Ņikišins - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (4).
    Social climate is a relatively new concept measuring people’s wellbeing (Duguleană and Duguleană 2015), operationalized by perceptions of people’s conditions of living. It has been used in the Eurobarometer surveys since 2009 but still gained little attention in academic research. In this paper, issues in constructing an index of social climate are being discussed. As the rates of meaningful responses to questions on dif­ferent aspects of the social climate vary greatly, the author proposes a revisited version of the social climate (...)
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  3. Cultural and Social Representations on the Border: From Disagreement to Coexistence.Jurij Fikfak - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (4):350-362.
    In the twentieth century, certain locations, symbols, and ritual practices along the Italian- Slovenian border were subject to various social and cultural representations. During that century, they primarily represented a subject of disagreement between both ethnic communities; however, in the last ten years, some groups and local authorities have been seeking opportunities to live together in coexistence.
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    Between east and west: Russian renewal and the future.Jurij Borodaj & Aleksandr Nikiforov - 1995 - Studies in East European Thought 47 (1-2):61 - 116.
    Two philosophers and prominent public figures explore the spiritual and cultural framework within which Russia's crisis and prospects for social renewal must be understood. Their discussion ranges over several main areas of concern in Russia today: the nature of the person and her capacities as social actor, the forms of sociality Russia has known as seen against the background of Orthodoxy and Communism, and Russia's tragedy during the seventy-five years of Communism. A third path is envisaged for Russian renewal based (...)
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    The Diversity of Strategies Used in Working Memory for Colors, Orientations, and Positions: A Quantitative Approach to a First‐Person Inquiry.Anka Slana Ozimič, Aleš Oblak, Urban Kordeš, Nina Purg, Jurij Bon & Grega Repovš - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13333.
    The study of individual experience during the performance of a psychological task using a phenomenological approach is a relatively new area of research. The aim of this paper was to combine first‐ and third‐person approaches to investigate whether the strategies individuals use during a working memory task are associated with specific task conditions, whether the strategies combine to form stable patterns, and whether the use of specific strategies is related to task accuracy. Thirty‐one participants took part in an experiment in (...)
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    Flexible Disambiguation and Expressive Completeness in Dependency Tree Semantics.Livio Robaldo & Jurij Di Carlo - 2014 - Journal of Semantics 31 (3):fft005.
    Next SectionThis paper proposes an extension of Dependency Tree Semantics (DTS), an underspecified formalism originally proposed in Robaldo (2007). The crucial advantage of DTS as compared to other contemporary proposals is its ability to represent Independent Set (IS) readings (a.k.a. scopeless readings), e.g. cumulative and collective readings. DTS achieves the expressivity needed to represent IS readings because it underspecifies Skolem-like functional dependencies. This paper extends DTS by introducing additional meta-constraints in First-Order Logic dedicated to disambiguating underspecified structures. However, it is (...)
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    Salience, sensemaking, and setting in psilocybin microdosing: Methodological lessons and preliminary findings of a mixed method qualitative study.Aleš Oblak, Liam Korošec Hudnik, Anja Levačić, Kristian Elersič, Peter Pregelj & Jurij Bon - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    There are profound methodological challenges facing microdosing research. One way we can address some of these methodological issues is by understanding how psilocybin microdosing fits in the broader existential context of people’s lives. We recruited participants who underwent psilocybin microdosing on their own and consented to being monitored for harm mitigation purposes. We combined momentary ecological assessment and detailed retrospective interviews. Participants reported loosening of mental structures (i.e., less intense strength of thoughts, tangential stream of consciousness), increased salience of external (...)
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    Genome-wide expression changes in a higher state of consciousness.Metka Ravnik-Glavač, Sonja Hrašovec, Jure Bon, Jurij Dreu & Damjan Glavač - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1322-1344.
    Higher states of consciousness in which the human mind can transcend the boundaries of logic and reason are envisioned as natural to the experience and potential growth of every human being. So far they have been mostly monitored by electrophysiological methods. In this study we were particularly interested in discovering the molecular transcriptional basis of higher states of consciousness. In addition to phenomenological reports of meditators who participated in this study the generated higher states of consciousness were also EEG recorded. (...)
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    What is it like to do a visuo-spatial working memory task: A qualitative phenomenological study of the visual span task.Aleš Oblak, Oskar Dragan, Anka Slana Ozimič, Urban Kordeš, Nina Purg, Jurij Bon & Grega Repovš - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 118 (C):103628.
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    Hedgehog lipids: Promotors of alternative morphogen release and signaling?Dominique Manikowski, Kristina Ehring, Fabian Gude, Petra Jakobs, Jurij Froese & Kay Grobe - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (11):2100133.
    Two posttranslational lipid modifications present on all Hedgehog (Hh) morphogens—an N‐terminal palmitate and a C‐terminal cholesterol—are established and essential regulators of Hh biofunction. Yet, for several decades, the question of exactly how both lipids contribute to Hh signaling remained obscure. Recently, cryogenic electron microscopy revealed different modes by which one or both lipids may contribute directly to Hh binding and signaling to its receptor Patched1 (Ptc). Some of these modes demand that the established release factor Dispatched1 (Disp) extracts dual‐lipidated Hh (...)
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    Lotman, Leibniz, and the semiospheric monad: Lost pages from the archives.Pietro Restaneo - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):313-336.
    Throughout his life, Jurij Lotman lived at the crossroad between different worlds, ages, and cultures. The many authors, cultures, and ideas that shaped his thought and influenced his theories are scattered at either side of countless geographical, political, and cultural borders, beginning with the one that separates “Russian culture” from “European culture,” porous and ambiguous as any boundary.The task of reconstructing how Lotman’s ideas came to being, how they shifted their meaning as their context shifted, is more and more (...)
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    Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting Fiction.Christine Richards - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):81-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting FictionChristine Richards (bio)1Context Determinacy and the Interpretation of FictionThe Pragmatics of ReadingThe basic pragmatic structure of the reading of fiction has been described as a communicative context which has a speaker who performs the speech acts represented by the text and a hearer (addressee) to whom the speech acts are directed [Adams 12]. This model is based on the assumption that the reader (...)
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    Biosemiotic Literary Criticism: Genesis and Prospectus.W. John Coletta - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume is based to a large extent on the understanding of biosemiotic literary criticism as a semiotic-model-making enterprise. For Jurij Lotman and Thomas A. Sebeok, “nature writing is essentially a model of the relationship between humans and nature” ; biosemiotic literary criticism, itself a form of nature writing and thus itself an ecological-niche-making enterprise, will be considered to be a model of modeling, a model of nature naturing. Modes and models of analysis drawn from Thomas A. Sebeok and (...)
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    On a Remarkable Case of Samples Connected in a Chain. Appendix on the statistical investigation of a text by Aksakov.A. A. Markov - 2006 - Science in Context 19 (4):601-604.
    I have conducted a similar investigation on a text by a different author. The results of this investigation, which was performed on a text passage of 100,000 letters, are presented in the following tables from which one can see how and to what extent the limit theorems of the calculus of probability actually become evident.
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  15. A. DE WAELHENS, "Phénoménologie et Vérité".G. A. G. A. - 1967 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 59:153.
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    Is marxism a historical materialism?A. V. Antonov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):222-229.
    The paper proves that a historical method in Marxism is not identified to a dialectical method. The logic of history and the logic of its analysis in Marxism do not always coincide. The Logical coincides with the Historical only in eternity as it actually occurs in the works by G.V.F. Hegel. Eternity which has already witnessed everything does not know history any more. In the same way, history also begins there where the eternity comes to an end. Therefore, artificial identification (...)
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  17. Ignjatovik, A., see Buss, SR.A. W. Apter, M. Magidor, Ch Cornaros & K. Hauser - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 74:297.
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    A possible explanation of the results of the preceding note regarding scattering of electrons by stacking faults in lithium.A. Howie - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (69):1191-1192.
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    A Peculiar Use of κ?A. O. Hulton - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (03):252-253.
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    Afterimages: Svetlana Boym’s Irrepressible Cocreations.Cristina Vatulescu - 2015 - Diacritics 43 (3):98-109.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AfterimagesSvetlana Boym’s Irrepressible CocreationsCristina Vatulescu (bio)[End Page 98]To most people Svetlana Boym was known as a writer: a prolific writer of books marked by originality, insight, and irreverence for intellectual pieties, no matter how fashionable. The media artist side of her that diacritics presents in this issue was chronologically last of her artistic personas. A whole string of these bifurcated the bio blurbs at the end of Svetlana’s monographs. (...)
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  21. A glimpse into Don Bosco's educational method in the light of modern guidance and counselling.A. Panampara - 1982 - Tiruppattur, N.A. Dt.: Sacred Heart College.
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    Teorii︠a︡ poznanii︠a︡ i problema gnoseologicheskikh standartov.S. I︠U︡ Piskorskai︠a︡ - 2006 - Krasnoi︠a︡rsk: Krasnoi︠a︡rskiĭ gos. agrarnyĭ universitet.
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    A note on omitting the replacement schema.A. Bundy - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (1):118-120.
  24. A marxista filozófia története.Wirth Ádám - 1979 - In János Szolnoki, Filozófiatörténet. [Budapest]: Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt, Marxizmus-Leninizmus Esti Egyetem, Szakositott Tagozat.
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    The Need for a Social Philosophy.A. Macbeath - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (113):99 - 111.
    Some years ago a Belfast funeral undertaker was on holiday in County Down. One sunny evening he climbed to the highest point in the Ards Peninsula. The visibility was good and the view magnificent. On one side lay Strangford Lough with Slieve Croob and the Mourne Mountains in the background. On the other was the Irish Sea with the Isle of Man, the Cumberland Hills and the southern Scottish uplands in the distance.
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  26. A comparative, study of single and married university students'attitude toward Glasser's concept of reality.A. Shoaakazemi & M. Jafari Harandi - 2009 - Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 2 (4):111-128.
  27. A remark on the concavity of entropy.A. Wehrl - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (11-12):939-946.
    We investigate to what extent theorems about quantum mechanical or classical entropy can be generalized to functionals of the type ρ→Tr f(ρ), or ψ→∫f(ψ)dμ, respectively, wheref is an arbitrary concave function.
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    A suggested improvement in semantic usage.A. H. Maslow - 1945 - Psychological Review 52 (4):239-240.
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    Ethics in public life: adapted from Ethics, conflicts, and offices: a guide for local officials.A. Fleming Bell - 1998 - [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: Institute of Government, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Edited by A. Fleming Bell.
    A sensible code of right and wrong for public officials everywhere, this book explores what ethics and the public trust mean. It includes sample codes of ethics and examines ways to improve the ethical climate of government. Excerpted and adapted from a longer work, Ethics, Conflicts, and Offices: A Guide for Local Officials, which also covers conflict of interest and office-holding laws in North Carolina.
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  30. Istorii︠a︡ kak obʺekt filosofskogo znanii︠a︡.N. V. Kli︠a︡gin (ed.) - 1991 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  31. A unidade do pensamento de J-J Rousseau na perspectiva de seu testemunho.A. Litholdo - 1969 - Faculdade de Filsosofia, Ciências e Letras de Presidente Prudente.
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  32. A comparison of four families of multi-perspective problem analysis methods.A. Opdahl - 1998 - Iris 20:9-12.
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  33. Adhivijñānaṃ darśanaśāstram =.Sudyumna Ācārya - 1994 - Kolagavām̐, Satanā, Ma. Pra.: Veda Vāṇī Vitānam.
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    Fichte's conception of a League of nations.A. C. Armstrong - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (6):153-158.
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    Philosophy for a New Generation.A. K. Bierman & James A. Gould - 1971 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 32 (1):129-130.
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  36. Problemy bytii︠a︡ i poznanii︠a︡ v istorii zarubezhnoĭ filosofii.A. S. Bogomolov (ed.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  37. Sinonimy v literaturnom i︠a︡zyke.A. A. Bragina - 1986 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by V. N. I︠A︡rt︠s︡eva.
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  38. Italʹi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ vstrecha filosofov.G. A. Bruti︠a︡n - 1959
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  39. Problemy ėsteticheskogo razvitii︠a︡ lichnosti shkolʹnika.A. I. Burov & E. V. Kvi︠a︡tkovskiĭ (eds.) - 1987 - Moskva: "Pedagogika".
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  40. Recursive filtering of a rate modulated stochastic process.A. V. Cameron - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 456.
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    As Others See Us", A Preliminary Inquiry into "Group Images.A. N. J. Den Hollander - 1947 - Synthese 6 (5/6):214 - 238.
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    Alois Richard Nykl: padesát let cest jazykozpytce a filosofa = Fifty years of travels of a linguist and philosopher.A. R. Nykl - 2016 - Praha: Národní muzeum. Edited by Josef Ženka.
    Publikace představuje první a jediný zcela dokončený díl pamětí českého Američana, orientalisty a polyglota Aloise Richarda Nykla (1885–1958). Velmi čtivou formou se v nich věnuje svému mládí v Rakousku-Uhersku a pozdější pouti světem, např. ve Švýcarsku, Německu, USA, Mexiku, Egyptě a Japonsku. Po svém návratu do USA v roce 1916 nastoupil dráhu univerzitního profesora a později se stal světově proslulým specialistou na andaluské a srovnávací literatury. V pamětech, napsaných na počátku třicátých let minulého století, se snaží zhodnotit jak svůj život (...)
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  43. Phenomenology in a New Century: What Still Needs to be Done.A.-T. Tymieniecka - 2010 - In Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century. Springer Verlag.
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    Teoreticheskie i prikladnye issledovanii︠a︡ v religiovedenii: sbornik stateĭ posvi︠a︡shchen pami︠a︡ti doktora filosofskikh nauk, professora A.F. Upraviteleva.A. F. Upravitelev & P. K. Dashkovskiĭ (eds.) - 2009 - Barnaul: Izd-vo Altaĭskogo gos. universiteta.
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  45. No, it's not a Fiction.A. Vallejo - 1997 - In T. Calvo & L. Brisson, Interpreting the Timaeus-Critias: Proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum. Academia Verlag. pp. 141--8.
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  46. Text as a necropolis (a brief essay on the phenomenology of writing).A. Vydra - 2006 - Filozofia 61 (1):53-54.
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  47. Doctrinal Significance of a Miraculous Birth.A. R. Whately - 1903 - Hibbert Journal 2:380.
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    Resistance to extinction as a function of number of nonreinforced trials and effortfulness of response.A. Grant Young - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (4):610.
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  49. Sovremennai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ metodologii︠a︡ nauki.A. F. Zotov & Iu V. Vorontsova - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta. Edited by I︠U︡. V. Voront︠s︡ova.
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    'The Enlightenment and a'Second Reformation': the Religion and Philosophy of John Jebb (1736-86).A. R. Page - 1998 - Enlightenment and Dissent 17:48-82.
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